Commoditize Your Complement: Data, Software, LLMs, and Semiconductors
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
ChatGPT and LLMs just commoditized the complement of data: software. This increases the value of data, but mainly drives value accrual to the new scarce complement: semiconductors.
Generations of War, Crypto, and Business: Part 3
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Generations of warfare and business correlate closely, however there is a lag between them. War is roughly one cycle ahead. I believe this makes it an excellent proxy not just for business, but also DeFi.
Countercultures & The Milady Sociopolitical Evolution
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
A counterculture is blowback. It's intentionally offensive to establishment beliefs. Find it repellent? Good, it’s meant to gatekeep you.
The RabbitX Decentralization Ranking System: RDRS
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Decentralization is a journey and a spectrum. RDRS defines that spectrum for DeFi’s collective clarity, direction, and objectives.
Crypto Market Wizards, Episode 2: Runner
By BackTheBunny | |
Crypto Market Wizards is a series of interviews with sophisticated DeFi traders. We discuss their background, strategies, and other interesting topics that made them successful.
The Fed, Part Zero: Become a Fed Disrespecter
By BackTheBunny | | 4 Comments |
The objective of this series and a huge point of contention with me is who gets the blame for the debasement of the dollar. Recognize where power exists: become a Fed disrespecter
Generations of War, Crypto, and Business: Part 2
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Generations of warfare and business correlate closely. However there is a lag between them, war is roughly one cycle ahead. War adapts quickly to advancements in strategy, making it an informative leading indicator in domains that are adversarial and competitive. I believe this makes it an excellent proxy for DeFi.
AI is Artificial Abundance, Crypto is Artificial Scarcity
By BackTheBunny | | 7 Comments |
There’s a well-known take that “AI is communist, crypto is libertarian”. These two technologies provide a symbiotic yin-yang to each other via their contrasting strengths. The tech equivalent of “unstoppable force meets immovable object”.
Crypto Market Wizards, Episode 1: Stoic
By BackTheBunny | | 2 Comments |
Crypto Market Wizards is RabbitX’s series of interviews with professional, sophisticated DeFi traders. Our first interview is with Stoic.
Shanghai & Ethereum: Analyzing stETH’s Discount to ETH
By BackTheBunny | | 7 Comments |
stETH has had a persistent discount to ETH, yet it's backed 1:1 and pays a dividend. Inefficient market or justified? This is a framework for thinking about it.
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