Decentralization, Liability, L2’s, and Property Rights
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
There's a secret bonus reason to decentralize that has yet to rear its ugly head.
Code is Not Law, Men With Guns is Law
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
A law is only as good as its enforcement. Enforcement is imposed with violence. Violence is not wrought onchain.
Crypto, Soft Currencies, and Layer 4 Money
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Money seems like a straightforward thing. However DeFi has shown us it can be a deeply philosophical question: what is money?
Crypto, Stocks, Hammers, Gold, & The Meaning of Intrinsic Value
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Crypto isn’t worth anything because it has no “intrinsic value”. No one applies this term consistently. Let's deconstruct this amorphous phrase.
The Great Rebundling: Human Communication’s Natural State & Crypto
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
All technology seems to do is unbundle and rebundle things. Over short timelines and long ones.
The Fed, Part 3: Factoring Loans, BTFP, & Time Value of Money
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Remember the SVB crisis? Balaji was wrong. Arthur was wrong. I was right. Fed disinfo is rampant. I encourage you to read this, it aged well.
Prime brokers & Perpetuals Aggregators
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
It seems like an odd pairing, but perps aggregators may be the prime brokers of crypto. Comparing and contrasting this TradFi concept and applying it to DeFi.
Argentina, Central Banks, Inflation, and Your Own Currency
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
A nation that can't wage war or make its own financial decisions, is not truly sovereign.
The Singaporean Model and Freedom
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Some can be maximally free in a highly restrictive environment.
It’s Not Superintelligence, It’s Superhistory
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
AI is not a young technology. It’s an ancient one. Artificial Time.
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