Generations of War, Crypto, and Business: Part 2
By BackTheBunny | | 0 Comments |
Generations of warfare and business correlate closely. However there is a lag between them, war is roughly one cycle ahead. War adapts quickly to advancements in strategy, making it an informative leading indicator in domains that are adversarial and competitive. I believe this makes it an excellent proxy for DeFi.
AI is Artificial Abundance, Crypto is Artificial Scarcity
By BackTheBunny | | 7 Comments |
There’s a well-known take that “AI is communist, crypto is libertarian”. These two technologies provide a symbiotic yin-yang to each other via their contrasting strengths. The tech equivalent of “unstoppable force meets immovable object”.
How Yield Curves Predict Recessions & Demand for Money
By BackTheBunny | | 2 Comments |
Just as there isn’t one price for commodities but a price at a point in time, the price for money can be viewed this way with the yield curve: future prices for dollars.
Market Crashes and Recoveries During Rising Rates & Inflation
By BackTheBunny | | 1 Comments |
Markets have crashed while inflation and interest rates rose concurrently. When there's a bear market with rising rates and inflation, what has market recovery been like historically?
Generations of War, Crypto, & Business: Part 1
By BackTheBunny | | 4 Comments |
Where can we peg DeFi in the historic evolutionary process of business and warfare? And using warfare as a leading indicator, what can we expect for DeFi’s future generations?
Why Deflation Is More Destructive Than Inflation
By BackTheBunny | |
We’re seeing first hand why inflation is a destructive force. However deflation can be even more harmful to an economy.
Blockchains vs Databases: Data Storage and Digital Truth
By BackTheBunny | |
Why do we want info stored in a blockchain over a database? There are many differences between them, let's review their advantages.
Crypto, Dollars, Gold, and Layer 4 Money
By BackTheBunny | |
Just like there are layer 1 and 2 blockchains, there are layers of money that act as building blocks for more money.
Macro & Markets: Context on the Crash
By BackTheBunny | |
US investor sentiment is hyper bearish, we are in the midst of a historically bad market to start the year (and what typically happens next), FTX wants to buy everything...
How is the Russian Rouble the Best-Performing Currency of 2022?
By BackTheBunny | |
After initially plummeting, the Russian rouble has recovered all its invasion-related losses and then some, and is currently the best-performing currency of 2022...
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